Struggling With Addiction Read This Letter Joe Polish

I don’t know why I didn’t do it before. Maybe I was embarrassed to admit how much control I’d given you… But I was so desperate, I called someone I knew who was sober. He told me I didn’t have to fight you alone.

letter from my addiction

He cannot hide from me; I know him and what he represents. But, I also recognize and remember with tender love the happy boy that’s somewhere in that body. I’m aware that my son has entered rehab, but the addict that controls him won’t let him stay.

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I am not going to stop reaching my hand out to the newcomer, trying again and again to give them even a microscopic portion of what I’ve gained throughout my recovery. I am not going to stop working in this field (until I am burnt out and need to leave in order to continue taking care of myself). With over 15 years of experience in online poetry publishing, Family Friend Poems is renowned for discovering and nurturing talented poets.

letter from my addiction

Though our relationship has been a bit strained recently, I want you to know no words could ever express how much you mean to me. No matter what happens, you will always be my child, and nothing could ever change how much I love you. Giving birth to you is one of the highlights of my life. The many happy memories you’ve given me are irreplaceable.

My Love Letters to Addiction Throughout the Years

In the case of our relationship, more is better. I love you or I wouldn’t be an addict–if I didn’t love you I wouldn’t turn to you to cope. Yet I hate you, because you’re trying and sometimes succeeding at taking over my life. Every single member of staff, from the moment I arrived at the moment I left, treated me with dignity and respect. I wasn’t treated like a drug addict that had made so many poor decisions. I was treated like a human who had a medical condition.

It is best because it backs me into a corner where I am forced to make a choice to stay uncomfortable in my addiction or face the discomfort of getting help. As long as you contribute to keeping me comfortable in my addiction, I will not face the discomfort of getting free from addiction. I would even go so far as to say that you should change your phone number. If I have stolen from you, press charges. Then you can ask the judge to sentence me to The Home of Grace. Get a restraining order to keep me away if I won’t stay away on my own.

Goodbye Letter To My Addiction

Your letter can also serve as a source of inspiration for others. You see, I am so much more than just another person risking their life through drug abuse, and I will not be a statistic. As good as I felt when I was with you at times, I felt terrible during others. I missed out on important events and gave up things that once meant a lot to me. I hit some of the lowest points in my life, and I now realize that I am worth more.

She welcomed me back with open arms and no judgment at all. She told me that it isn’t easy to overcome you and it doesn’t happen immediately. She also knows how much of a con artist you are, how you show up in so many different forms like drugs and alcohol, food and abusive people. Addiction, I see you for what you are now. Something that must always be kept at bay at all times. Most parents know about the existence of Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous.

Knowing that you’re not alone in this fight is a comforting and hopeful feeling that can help you find the strength to support your children through their addiction. Sometimes, even when you find yourself writing a letter to your drug-addicted son, you’ll see the power of support. We all have our misconceptions about drug addiction and even alcohol addiction. We’re stigmatized by what we see in the movies and hear about in the news.

At no point during that streak did they desire not to win. This was like my battle with addiction. Don’t cover up for me or try in any way to spare me the consequences goodbye letter to alcohol of my drinking. Don’t lie for me, pay my bills, or meet my obligations. It may avert or reduce the very crisis that would prompt me to seek help.

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